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Next-Level Control

Experience unparalleled control with our state-of-the-art focstrot controller, built on the renowned VESC®-project. This advanced system ensures smooth acceleration and sharp responsiveness.

Next-Level Control

Experience unparalleled control with our state-of-the-art focstrot controller, built on the renowned VESC®-project. This advanced system ensures smooth acceleration and sharp responsiveness.

Connect And Control

Sync your Gosmilo with App “float control: vesc companion” or “floaty: vesc stats&tuning” or “VESC tool” to check your board riding status.
Important notice: the Gosmilo was programmed well before shipping. So you no need to reset up while receiving. Please don’t update the board configurations by the VESC tool which may mess up the board performance.

Your Story

Ride On The Lsie of Silt On Low Ride Days And Have Done Over 1000 Miles So Far. Although I Have Had A Broken Collarbone From Previous Extreme Sports AndTherefore Wanted To Give Up On Life. I Have Since Been Able To Get Back To LovingLife Through Walking.

“The Gosmilo Booster Jet has exceeded my expectations with its smooth performance and long-lasting battery.”

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